用户要求重要性 ,作为质量、功能和配置QFD和客户关系管理CRM两大应用的核心 ,直接决定着企业的兴衰成败。提出了一种用连乘层次分析法MAHP做主观赋权 ,马尔柯夫预测做客观赋权的主客观综合赋权方法 。
The inqortamce of customers'requirements,as the core of application of QFD(Qupulity.Fuction|Disposition)and CRM(Customer Relation managemant)ditectly decides rise and fall of enterprises This paper analyzes the deficiencies of AHP and puts forward a comprehensive power grant method by using MAHP as subjective power grant and the forecasting as objective one to the realization of multiple poliay-making for the importance of custormers'requirements.
Journal of Changsha Social Work College