曾国藩怀着以人为本的理念 ,通过长期的政治、军事实践 ,总结出广收、慎用、勤教、严绳等人力资源管理的四大原则 ,并身体力行 ,以知人善任称于世。从管理心理学角度 ,对曾氏人力资源管理思想予以整理阐述 ,既有理论意义 ,又有实践价值。
With long experience of political and military practices, as well as human-centered ideas he constantly cherished, Zeng Guofan summarized four principles of human resource management, namely widely recruiting, meticulously assigning, industriously teaching and strictly enforcing. By earnestly practising the foregoing principles advocated, zeng was renowned for his competence to know how to judge and appoint people. From the perspective of management psychology, this article tries to elaborate his thoughts to shed new light on modern management study.
Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University