国家教育部制定的《全日制义务教育语文课程标准 (实验稿 )》于 2 0 0 1年颁发 ,这是一个代表国家教育水平的纲领性文件。它对语文教育具有绝对的权威性和指导性 ,它的诞生有着厚重的历史感和“三个面向”的现实感 。
Drawn up by the Ministry of Education, “(The Experimental Draft of) Syllabus Standard of the Chinese Language for Full Time Compulsory Education” was issued in 2001.It is a programmatic document that reprensents the national educational level.It has absolute authority and guiding command over the education of the Chinese Language.Its issuance conveys abounding sense of history and “3 orientedness” sense of reality.It transmits the advanced scientific idea of the Chinese Language education.
Journal of Wuhan Institute of Education