要真正地还“真理”本质中的意蕴深远的人性内容以本来面目 ,就必须从根本上“超越”传统的真理观。实现这一超越的关键在于确立一种“合理性”的即辩证的、历史的、实践的、主体性的、价值性的思维方式。其中最为核心的 ,是马克思为我们所确立并贯穿其学说始终的实践观点的思维方式 ;在“合理性”思维的视界之内 ,所谓真理 。
The author maintains that restoration of the profound meaning of human nature contained in the core of truth requires going beyond the traditional conception of truth. To achieve this it is crucial to establish a way of thinking which is dialectical, historical, practical, subjective and of value, the essence of which consists in the practice oriented thinking patterns founded by Marx and manifested throughout his works. From this perspective, truth refers to a promise of subjectivity made and offered in the light of human rationality to the rational nature of man's manner in coping with the target world and of all the target activities of human beings plus outcomes of these activities.
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