
CAD系统交互行为中的人机协同机制 被引量:1

The Mechanism of Human-Computer Cooperation Among CAD Interactive Actions
摘要 目前,用户界面技术研究大致可归纳为三个方面:性能研究、管理工具研制和开发技术研究等。在开发技术研究方面,主要是结合具体应用系统的开发,探讨用户界面的研制方法,这些技术方法不具通用性。本文拟结合多年的研究实践,综合当前各项具体技术,提出较为通用的用户界面开发的理论依据、内在机制及实现方法等,即:首先,通过分析系统的运行过程及其中的人机交互行为,建立系统的运行模型、功能进程模型及进程命题等;然后,探讨系统运行模型的一般实现方法,提出CAD系统交互行为中的人机协同机制,建立函数命题;其次,以FixCAD系统用户界面开发为例,介绍人机协同机制的具体应用方法;最后,总结上述理论和技术的应用效果,包括最大程度地统一界面函数算法、保证函数结构的一致性、方便程序开发和维护、以及改善用户界面的友好性等。 At present, the study of user interface is focused on the performance, tools and development. The development techniques, proposed during the implementation of user interface for a concrete CAD system, are not versatile. In this paper, a general design theory, internal mechanism and implement of user interface are presented. That is: at first, through analyzing running process and human-computer interactive actions of a CAD system, the running model of a CAD system, the process model of a function and the proposition of a process are created; Secondly, the mechanism of human-computer cooperation used to implement the system running model and function process model is discussed, and the function proposition is proposed; Thirdly, the implement of the FixCAD user interface is used as an example and the general development method of a user interface is presented; Lastly, according to the application, the characteristics of the above theory and method is concluded, including unifying the algorithms of interface functions, keeping the consistence between the functional structures, being convenient to programming and maintaining of a user interface, and improving the friendliness of a user interface.
出处 《计算机辅助工程》 2003年第1期1-11,共11页 Computer Aided Engineering
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