To search a new, high successful experimental method about injuring cerebellum and decerebrate rigidity and to merge two independent experiments into one. The authors made an injury on one side of mouse's cerebellum by nonanesthesia and noncraniotomy, and basing on this,cut across the brain stem at 0.5-1 cm in front of the mouse's lambdoid suture to remove the cerebrum. The results showed that injuring cerebellum had 100 percent of effect on mice, whereas removing the cerebrum had the decerebrate rigidity effect on most of the experimental mice, with the successful probability up to 75 percent. Thus the authors thought that it was feasible to merge two independent experiments into one and to replace traditional rabbits or cats with mice for conducting the experiment of decerebrate rigidity, and this method was simple in operation, better in repeatability,easy carried out in the course of experimcnt by students; meantime the animals required by the experiment was cheap in price.
Natural Science Journal of Hainan University