
云南省短翼蚱科三新种记述(直翅目:蚱总科) 被引量:16

Three New Species of Metrodoridae (Orthoptera: Tetrigoidea) from Yunnan Province
摘要 报道采自云南省短翼蚱科3新种,即贡山玛蚱Mazarrediagongshanensis,sp.nov.、虎跳峡波蚱Bolivaritettixhutiaoxia,sp.nov.及三齿波蚱Bolivaritettixtri-dantata,sp.nov.模式标本保存于西南林学院昆虫标本室。 In this paper, three new species of Metrodoridae are described. Type specimens are deposited in the Southwest Forestry College. 1. Mazarredia gongshanensis , sp. nov. (Figs. 1~2) This new species is allied to Mazarredia huanjiangensis Zheng et Jiang, it differs from the latter by: 1) pronotum long, its top reaching the middle of hind tibia; 2) width of midfemur distinctly narrower than the width of elytra; 3) the length of first tarsus of hind leg longer than the length of third. Length of body (from vertex to the top of pronotum): ♂ 15 mm.Length of pronotum: ♂ 13 mm. Width of shoulders: ♂ 2.7 mm. Length of hind femur: ♂ 5.5 mm. Holotype:♂,Gongshan (Bingzhongluo),Yunnan Province,98°2′E,28°07′N,1550 m, 04 Ⅹ 1999, collected by OU Xiao hong. 2. Bolivaritettix hutiaoxiana , sp. nov. (Figs. 3~5) This new species is related to Bolivaritettix luteolineatus Zheng et al, but differs in:1) lateral keels parallel in prozona; 2) without a pair short keels between shoulders; 3) width of midfemur distinctly narrower than the width of elytra; 4) without a longitudinal yellow stripe on the disc of pronotum. Length of body: ♂ 10 mm; ♀ 11 mm~12 mm. Length of pronotum: ♂ 16 mm;♀ 14 mm~17 mm. Length of hind femur: ♂ 6 mm; ♀ 7 mm~8 mm. Holotype: ♀, Hutiaozhen, Yunnan Province, 100°E, 27′N, 1900 m, 12 Ⅸ 1998, OU Xiao hong; Paratypes: 1♂7♀♀, as holotype; 1♀, Weixi, Yunnan Province,99°1′E, 27°N, 1820 m, 17 Ⅷ 1998, collected by WU Guang qiang. 3. Bolivaritettix tridentate , sp. nov. (Figs. 6~8) This new species is allied to Bolivaritettix yunnanensis Zheng et Mao, but differs in:1) vertex slightly protubetrance before the anterior margin of eyes; 2) vertex seeable before the eye in profile; 3) lateral margins of pronotum behind humeral angles distinctly constricted; 4) length of pronotum about 10.5 times longer than the part of exceeding top of hind femora; 5) middle tooth equal the length of lateral teeth of subgenital plate of female. Length of body: ♀ 13 mm; length of pronotum: ♀ 10.5 mm; length of hind femur: ♀ 7 mm. Holotype: ♀, Longling, Yunnan Province, 98°7′E, 24°5′N, 2040 m, 19 Ⅳ 2002, collected by LIU Hai zhong.
出处 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期4-8,共5页 昆虫分类学报(英文)
基金 中荷合作FCCDP项目资助
关键词 直翅目 蚱总科 短翼蚱科 新种 云南 Orthoptera Tetrigoidea Metrodoridae new species Yunnan
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