晋商的兴衰是我国经济史上一个值得关注和研究的现象。活跃商界 5 0 0多年的晋商 ,在清末民初很快销声匿迹走上衰败 ,根本性的因素在于近代以来 ,面对国际、国内形势的变化 ,山西商人作为具有浓厚封建色彩的商帮 ,带有显见的保守性和落后性 ,没能实现观念的转变 ,痛失再次搏击商海的机遇 ,终于走上了衰败。
The rise and decline of Shanxi business deserves attention and consideration in the history of economy. In the last years of Qing dynasty, Shanxi businessmen who had been active for more than 500 years declined in a short time. The basic cause is that Shanxi businessmen, of a regional business society, were feudal and conservative. They were unable to alter their ideas and seize the business chance. In the end, they gradually declined.
Journal of Jinzhong Teachers College