马克思的革命理论是马克思主义理论的重要组成部分之一 ,以往政治家和学者对马克思和恩格斯的革命理论 ,大多冠以“同时胜利论” ,然而 ,在马克思和恩格斯的原著中并没有关于“同时胜利论”的明确表述。准确地说 ,马恩的革命理论表述为“同时发生论”更符合原意。这不仅因为在原著中能够找到佐证 ,在实践中也和列宁后来的“一国胜利论”有一定逻辑关系。今天 ,正本清源 。
Marx's revolutionary theory is an important part of Marxism.In the past,politicians and scholars named revolution theory of Marx and Engels as 'simultaneous success theory'.However,there is not a clear clarification on 'simultaneous success theory'in Marx and Engels's progenitors.So it is named'simultaneous occurrence theory'that will be more exact.It can not only find evidence in the progenitors,but also in logical sequecnce with following Lenin's 'success of one theory' in practice.So today,this essay will be significant in theory and practice.
Journal of Shijiazhuang College of Applied Technology