图书和报刊在社会生活中必须担负传播真理 ,宣扬善良的职责 ,发挥教育和团结人民的作用。天才是可以培养的 ,作家的视野必须扩大 ,写作技巧靠学习 ,靠勤奋练就。要赢得读者 ,编辑必须真诚地为他们服务 ,将刊物办出特色。编辑必须是那种为了社会而不惜付出心血和全部精力的人。
Books, newspapers and periodicals function to spread truths and to play the role of educating the people. Genius can be nurtured and a writer's horizon should be broadened; writing skills can be acquired through constant study and assiduous practice. Editors can never win the reader unless they produce publications with distinctive features. Editors should spare no efforts to work heart and soul for the good of society. A system of editors' job responsibility should be established.
Journal of Guizhou Educational College(Social Science Edition)