Web Service是用于创建开放分布式系统的构件 ,它逻辑性地为其他应用程序提供数据与服务。它就像一个黑匣子 ,客户端不需要知道服务端是怎样运行的 ,客户端请求方可以基于任何平台 ,用任何编程语言 ,只要它们能遵循 web service接口的定义发送和接收消息。
A Web Service is programmable application logic accessible using standard Internet protocols. Web services combine the best aspects of component-based development and the Web. Like components, Web services represent black-box functionality that can be reused without worrying about how the service is implemented. Furthermore, Consumers of the Web Service can be implemented on any platform in any programming language, as long as they can create and consume the messages defined for the Web Service interface.
Journal of Xinjiang Normal University(Natural Sciences Edition)