
微观城市交通仿真系统的设计 被引量:5

Research on microscopic urban traffic simulation system
摘要 通过对实际交通系统的分析,在前人的仿真软件的研究基础上,提出了“模型仿真”和“应用仿真”并重的思想,并以此思想构建微观城市交通仿真系统,为基于执行机和决策机的交通参与者模型构建以及交通方案仿真提供一个分布式的研究平台.该软件平台采用Web三层结构,从而解决了系统的可开发性、可复用性和互操作性问题,最终为以后的大规模的交通仿真提供服务. Based on the analysis of the real traffic system and the research on the former simulation software,the authors propose that'model simulation'and'application simulation'are of the same importance,while'application simulation'is often em-phasized and provided in simulation software system.According to this i dea,the microscopic urban traffic s imulation system is designed which is a distributed rese arch platform for the traffic project and the traffic participant is base d on dynamic model and decisive model.In this simulation s oftware system,the purpose of'model simulation'is to validate the traffic participant model and improve them,and that of'application simulation'is to validate and improve a traffic management project by the use of the improved and validated traffic participant model.This paper introduces the detailed i dea of traffic participant model use d in simulation system.The design of traffic partic-ipant model aims at the Chinese actual traffic surroundings including th e bike model,car model and pedestria n model.These models have been validated and impro ved through module of'model simulation'and will be used in the module of'application simulation'to simulate some material traffic ap plication.Based on the idea of'model simulation'and'application simulation',this paper carries out the needed analysis of the simulation system and in troduces the system configuration o f the simulation software which can realize the functions of'model simulation'and'application simulation'.In order to develop a reusable and interactive system easily,a Web thr ee-layer architecture is proposed,which realizes the three-module sep aration of data storage,simulation computing and graphical displaying.Due to the merits of the Web three-layer architecture,it is p ossible for the simulation software system to serve for the large-scale traffic simulation in the future.
出处 《宁夏工程技术》 CAS 2003年第1期31-34,42,共5页 Ningxia Engineering Technology
关键词 微观城市交通仿真系统 微观建模 系统仿真 交通参与者 系统设计 系统结构 urban traffic microscopic modelin g system simulation traffic parti cipant
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