对我国大学生在创造力培养方面存在的问题和原因进行了分析 ,指出智力教育、素质教育、个性教育和实践教育是当代大学生创新意识培养的四个重要环节。论述了重视智力教育是培养创新意识扎实的基础 ;加强素质教育是培养浓厚创新意识的氛围 ;强化个性教育是激发培养创新意识的内力 ;
Analysis the reasons and the problems in fostering students creativity in China, points out fostering students creativity sense has four important links of intellect education, predisposition education, personality education and practice education. In order to foster contemporary students' creativity sense, disserts that intellect education is the essential foundation, intensifying predisposition education is the dense environment, reinforcement personality education is the inside force and enrich practice education is the new way.
Journal of Architectural Education in Institutions of Higher Learning
"世行贷款 - 2 1世纪初高等教育教学改革"资助项目 (1 2 82A0 1 0 61 )