引入“元教育”这一概念是建立“元教育学”的基础步骤。如何界定这一概念 ,如何理解这一概念 ,是关系到学术发展的重要问题。文章从“元”概念入手 ,又从对象、方法等方面展开思考 ,对怎么把握“元教育”的性质提出了自己的看法。
It's a basic step for setting up 'metaeducation theory' to import the concept 'metaeducaton'. How to define the concept and how to catch on it is a essential problem for the academic development. This paper begin with studying the concept 'meta', then, pay it's attention on objects and ways concerned with the 'metaeducation', till the end, provide a kind of answer to the question of how to understand the character of 'metaeducation'.
Journal of Architectural Education in Institutions of Higher Learning