目的 评价肾友会在居家腹膜透析患者中开展健康教育的效果。方法 应用健康教育程序,向居家腹膜透析患者传授腹膜透析知识及技术。结果 22位居家腹膜透析患者,肾友会前、后进行腹膜透析知识书面笔试及换液技术操作考核的平均成绩有显著差异(P<0.05),表明肾友会后患者对腹膜透析知识及换液技术的掌握程度有显著提高。结论 肾友会是一种对居家腹膜透析患者进行相关健康教育的有效形式,具有良好的社会与经济效益。
Objective To evaluate the effect of health education in home peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients through PD patient club. Methods Using health education procedures, PD knowledge and technical skills were spread to home PD patients. Results The difference of average score of PD knowledge written examination and PD fluid exchanging technical operation assessment in 22 home PD patients before and after PD patient club was significant ( P <0. 05), indicating that the level of patient mastering PD knowledge and exchanging fluid technical skills was much higher after PD patient club. Conclusion PD patient club is a kind of effective form to carry out interrelated health education in home PD patients, and has social and economic benefits.
Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army