比较不同产地的多舌飞蓬〔Erigeronmultiradiatus(Wall.)Benth .〕中总黄酮及灯盏乙素的含量。方法 :以芦丁为对照品 ,比色法测定总黄酮的含量 ;以灯盏乙素为对照品 ,采用HPLC法测定灯盏乙素的含量。结果 :四川产的多舌飞蓬比云南迪庆产的多舌飞蓬的总黄酮及灯盏乙素含量高 ,以四川甘孜县新路海的含量最高。结论 :此结论可为寻找灯盏细辛的替代品种 ,进一步研究开发多舌飞蓬提供参考。
Objective: Comparing the contents of total flavonoids and scutellarin of Erigeron multiradiatus from different areas. Method: to take rutin as the reference, using UV-spectrograph to determine the contents of flavonoids; HPLC was employed in determining the contents of scutellarin. Result: the contents of total flavonoids and scutellarin from Si-chuan province are higher than those of Yun-nan province. The sample from Xing-lu-hai,Gan-zi, Si-chuan is the highest one. Conclusion: It can be regarded as a reference in further research of Erigeron multiradiatus. (Original article on page 111)
Chinese Journal of Ethnomedicine and Ethnopharmacy