经过 2 0年的经验积累 ,Z39.5 0业已成为一个成熟的信息检索标准和协议 ,但其应用领域仍仅限于图书馆界。Z39.5 0推广的主要障碍是标准的复杂性和生僻的底层协议。于是 ZIG的一些成员发起了一组改造 Z39.5 0的计划—— ZING,目的是保留 Z39.5 0有用特征 ,摒弃过时的和没用的部分 ,从而降低实施难度 ,以形成一个更具吸引力的信息检索协议。其中的SRW方案是以 Web服务方式重新定义 Z39.5 0 ,并做了较大的简化。本文全面地介绍 SRW技术规范 ,并讨论 SRW和经典Z39.5 0的异同。
With the intellectual contributions accumulated over nearly 20 years, Z39.50 is already a mature standard for information retrieval. But there is still few known beyond the library realm. Complexity and utilization of unpopular transport protocol are the main barriers to popularize the standard. In order to develop a more popular standard, some of the ZIG members initiate a group of projects to recast Z39.50, the plan is called ZING stand for Z39.50-International: Next Generation. SRW is one of the projects, defining Z39.50 as a Web service. SRW preserves merits of classic Z39.50, discards those aspects no longer useful or meaningful and simplify many Z39.50 features. By lowering the barriers to implementation, SRW is more attractive. This article totally introduces SRW specifications, and discusses SRW features along with classic Z39.50.
New Technology of Library and Information Service