提出了一种基于空间收缩的求解MINLP问题的新算法。算法应用了快速有效的不完全演化搜索较优解的分布信息 ,通过分布信息定位最优解的可能分布 ,再由精英个体信息决定下次搜索空间。仿真结果表明该算法在搜索效率、应用范围、解的精确性和鲁棒性上都优于其他现存演化算法。
A novel algorithm which is based on space contraction for solving MINLP problems is proposed. The algorithm applies fast and effective non complete evolution to the search for the information of better solutions, by which locates the possible area of optimal solutions, determines next search space by the information of elite individuals. The result shows that it is better than other existing evolutionary algorithms in search efficiency, range of applications, accuracy and robustness of solutions. [
Strategic Study of CAE
"八六三"高技术资助项目 (2 0 0 1AA413 42 0 )
山东省优秀中青年科学家奖励基金资助项目 (990 1)