模糊电磁学是从建立在物理概念基础上的模糊起始式开始 ,通过严格的推导 ,得到实际电路元件精确的CAD公式 ,它含有 1到 2个任意常数。自展的意思就是所得到的CAD公式又可以作为模糊起始式用来推导更复杂元件的CAD公式。如此进行下去 ,就形成了一个自展系列。该系列给出了集成电路中许多无源元件的场的理论公式 ,频率范围从直流到射频。由于在每一步都有一个任意常数进行”中段校准” ,所以所有这些公式的精度可以保持在 2 %左右。自展模糊电磁系列还可以延续到尺寸远大于波长的结构 ,如贴片天线 。
Started with a physics based fuzzy formulation, the fuzzy EM does a rigorous derivation, built in with one or two arbitrary constants, and leads to an accurate CAD formula of a practical circuit component. Bootstrapping means that the CAD formula resulted is, in turn, taken as fuzzy formulation leading to the CAD formula of a more complicated component. In succession, a bootstrapping series is formed giving the field theoretic formulas of many of the passive components of an integrated circuit from DC to RF. Because of the “mid course correction” of one arbitrary constant in each step, the accuracies of the formulas are maintained at around 2%. The bootstrapped fuzzy EM series is then continued into larger structures in terms of wavelength, i.e., patch antennas. Similarly simplicity and high accuracy are obtained.
Journal of Microwaves