为了深入了解聋校中学生的人格特征和培养他们的良好个性品质, 本研究对不同性别、年级和不同程度听力损失的聋生进行了人格调查和统计 分析。研究结果表明:性别、年龄、听力、智力及学习成绩是影响人格形成与 发展的重要因素,尽可能地保留残余听力和提高学业成绩有助于聋校中学生 人格的发展。
Based on an empirical research and statistic analysis, this paper discusses the devel-opment of the personality of deaf middle school students of different gender, age and hearing impairment , so as to understand the formation and development of their personality development. The statistical findings indicate that gender, age, hearing, intelligence and school performance serve as important factors in the formation and development of their personality and therefore, to maintain the students' present hearing and improving their school performance, are essential factors in the development of personality.
Chinese Journal of Special Education