
应用表象训练技术提高弱智儿童表象清晰度和表象记忆实验研究 被引量:12

Study of Applying Mental Training in Improving Mental Retarded Children's Vividness of Visual Imagery and Memory
摘要 为提高弱智儿童表象清晰度和表象记忆能力,对北京地区48名弱智 被试进行的表象训练实验研究结果表明:被试整体训练后的清晰度和记忆成 绩均高于训练前的成绩,且差异显著;轻度与中度被试的清晰度成绩差异显 著;重度被试的记忆训练成绩均高于中度和轻度被试,且差异显著;高清晰组 的记忆成绩训练前后差异显著,低清晰组则不显著;说明表象训练技术对提 高弱智儿童的表象清晰度和记忆力是有效的,清晰度越高,对记忆提高的帮 助越大。在教学中,应加强和应用此项技术,提高认知能力,开发其潜能。 To improve the mental retarded children' s vividness of visual imagery and mentalmemory, mental training was conducted on 48 mental retarded children in Beijing. The training results indicate that: significant difference exists between the score of vividness of visual imagery and mental memory before and after the training; low - grade and middle - grade retarded children' score of vividness are significant different; effects of mental memory training of higfi - grade retarded children ' s are better than low - grade and middle - grade retarded children' s, and the difference is significant; the memory score of subjects with high vividness before and after the training is significant different, but the score of subjects with low vividness has no significant difference. These results suggest that mental training is effective to improve the mental retarded children' s vividness of visual imagery and mental memory, the subjects with more vivid visual imagery, the more help to the memory they can get from the training. We should apply this kind of training in the reaching to improve the students' cognitive ability and to exploit their potential.
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第1期77-83,共7页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
关键词 表象训练 视觉表象 视觉表象清晰度 记忆力 弱智儿童 mental training visual image vividness of visual imagery memory mentalretarded children
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