根据“以线串点 ,以点带面 ,实行重点开发”的思路 ,国家确定了西陇海兰新线经济带、长江上游经济带、南 (宁 )贵(阳 )昆 (明 )经济区作为西部开发的重点区域。采用“节点城市”和“轴线”的概念 ,可初步界定“二带一区”的范围包括西陇海兰新线经济带、长江上游经济带 (西藏的重点区域放在长江上游经济带 )以及南 (宁 )贵 (阳 )昆 (明 )
In line with the principle of 'stringing points to form a line, bringing along the entire area with particular points and carrying out focused opening', China designates as key areas in Western development Western Longhai-Lanxin Railway e conomic belt, upper reaches of the Yangtze economic belt and Nanning-Guiyang-Kun ming economic zone. Using the concepts of 'nodal point' and 'axis', we can p reliminarily specify that the 'Two Belts and One Zone' cover Western Longhai-L anxin Railway economic belt, upper reaches of the Yangtze economic belt (where t he key area for Tibet is based) and Nanning-Guiyang-Kunming economic zone.
Journal of Guizhou College of Finance and Economics