中低比转速离心泵效率普遍不高 ,主要因素是泵的损失过大 ,在减小泵的损失时 ,容易使汽蚀余量增大 ,扬程曲线产生驼峰。为提高泵效率、减小汽蚀余量、消除扬程曲线驼峰 ,本文论述了以中低比转速泵的能量损失最小、汽蚀余量最小及消除扬程曲线驼峰为多目标函数 ,以叶轮主要参数为设计变量的泵叶轮优化设计方法。通过优化 。
Because of its loss, the efficiency of middle and low specific speed pump is low. When the loss of pump was decreased. The NPSHr of pump was increased and the pump of curves was produced. Based on the main geometry diameters of an impeller, the article discuses an optimal design method for the low specific speed pump impeller to minimizes energy losses and NPSHr. An optimal parameter group that satisfied with the capacity and head was obtained through minimization.
Journal of Mechanical Transmission