阐明了将计算机仿真技术引入自动控制原理的教学的必要性。通过实例运用 MATLAB语言编制程序 ,对二阶振荡环节进行时域和频域分析 ,由分析所得的曲线可清楚地看出阻尼比和自然振荡频率对系统特性的影响。还介绍了 MATLAB在自动控制原理教学中的应用情况。结果表明将 MATL AB语言应用于自动控制原理教学 ,能够有效地调动学生的积极性 。
This paper gives the reason why we introduces the computer simulation into the teaching process of 'Automatic Control Principles' in Electronic Information Engineering. With the aid of an example such as a second order system to prove the influence of damping ratio and the natural oscillation frequency on the system behavior. At last it describes the practicability and convenience of using MATLAB and it can inspire the positive factor of the students to deepen the comprehension and congition.
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Education