近年来, 无线宽带技术是一个发展热点。无线通信所需要的频率资源是有限的。如何提高无线电频率资源的频谱利用效率,将成为现有的和未来的无线通信技术面临的首要问题。本文以i-BURST为例介绍了广域无线宽带TDD技术的原理,并对其应用前景做了分析。
In recent years, wireless broad technology is a trend in communication industry. Wireless spectrum is a limited resource. How to increase the spectrum efficiency is a major task for today and future communication. This article, taking i-BURST technology as an example, gives an introduction to wide area wireless broadband TDD technology and analyzes it's application.
Telecom Engineering Technics and Standardization