
体外循环在肿瘤治疗中的应用 被引量:7

Clinical Application of Extracorporeal Whole Body Hyperthermia in Cancer Patiens
摘要 目的 对错过手术治疗时机、术后复发或转移的多种失去希望的肿瘤患者利用体外循环技术进行全身热疗 (EWBH)。方法 采用密闭循环的体外静脉—静脉转流的方法 ,将中心温度升温达 42℃ ,持续 12 0 min。结果全部患者均顺利脱机 ,麻醉苏醒后安返病房 ;18例患者癌肿缩小 ,症状改善 ,丙肝病毒转阴。结论  EWBH是体外循环应用于肿瘤治疗的一项新技术 ,在肿瘤治疗中增加了一种可供选择的方法。 OBJECTIVE To evaluate extracorpreal whole body hyperthermia (EWBH) with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) technique used in cancer patients unsuitable for operation or with postoperative metastasis. METHODS The core temperature of patients was warmed to 40.2℃ and kept for 120 min in extracorpreal veno venous closing bypass.RESULTS All patients were removed from EWBH and went to ICU. Tumors were reduced in size in 18 patients, antigen of C type hepatitis were negative in all patients. CONCLUSIONS It is a new technique and method that it can be chosen to cure patiens in late stage cancer and C type hepatitis.
作者 黄伟明
出处 《中国体外循环杂志》 2003年第1期7-12,共6页 Chinese Journal of Extracorporeal Circulation
关键词 体外循环 全身热疗 肿瘤 Cardiopulmonary bgpass Extracorporeal whole body hyperthermia (EWBH) Cancer
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