
成像测井技术在胜利油田桩海地区微裂隙构造分析中的应用 被引量:13

Application of imaging logging technology on the analysis of micro-fissustructures in the Zhuanghai area,Shengli oilfild
摘要 针对碳酸盐岩储层裂缝、孔洞等非均质信息定量分析评价困难的问题,采用地层微电阻率扫描及超声波成像测井技术,对桩海潜山含油气构造主要探井桩古斜47井的储层特征进行了研究.通过高分辨率的井壁图像、信息提取、综合分析等方法,定量计算储层参数,准确评价了该井地层岩性、裂缝性质及方向、溶洞特征、地应力方向,总结了一套利用测井成像技术(FMIFissareMicroscannerImage)测井技术进行古生界潜山油藏储层评价的综合解释模式,为落实储量和科学勘探开发该类油藏提供了重要参数. It is difficult to conduct a quantitative analysis of variational information fr om the fissures and pore spaces of carbonate reservoirs. Imaging welllogging t echnology can do it better.This paper reports on the imaging welllogging resul ts obtained by using the scanning technique of stratum microresistivity and th e ultrasonic imaging welllogging technology,on the Na47 test well which is one of the major exploratory wells in the zhuanghai burial hill oilgasbearing s tructures of the Shengli Oilfield.Comprehensive analysis and information obtaine d from the highresolution images of well walls,were used to make quantitative estimates of reservoir beds parameters and factual assessment of the stratum lit hology;the characters and orientation of fractures,and faults;the karst cave fea tures in the exploratory well and the orientation of geostatic stress, which sup plies some important parameters of the ascertainable reserves for scientific exp loration and development of oil reservoirs.Finally,an allaround interpretative pattern is presented for evaluating the paleburial hill reservoir bed s by the FMI logging technology.
出处 《浙江大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期254-258,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Engineering Science
关键词 FMI 成像测井 裂缝 地应力 油气勘探 FMI imaging well logging fissure karst cave reservoir bed exploration
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