应用光镜和透射电镜观察 ,恒河猴肾上腺皮质可分为球状带、束状带和网状带。其特点是 :(1)被膜较发达 ,有时可伸入球状带将其细胞分隔为团块。(2 )球状带有时呈指状伸入束状带和网状带 ,其内可见嗜铬细胞 ;球状带细胞可分为明、暗 2种类型 ,他们排列成团球状、滤泡状、索状和不规则形。 (3)网状带较发达 ,有的可分为内、外 2个区 ;有时网状带呈刺状伸入束状带 ;有时网状带细胞可见于被膜下或髓质内。(4)有时部分被膜连同皮质一起呈指状伸入髓质内。(5 )皮质细胞均含丰富的溶酶体、线粒体和内质网 ,但不同部位的细胞所含的脂滴在数量、大小、形态和电子密度等方面存在差异。
The microstructure and ultrastructure of the adrenal cortex of the rhesus monkey(Macaca mulatta) were studied by means of light and electron microscopy.The adrenal cortex was divided into the zona glomerulosa,the zona fasciculata and the zona reticularis.It had following characteristics:(1)The capsula was thicker,occasionally entered the zona glomerulosa and divided its cells into globoids.(2)Occasionally the finger-shaped structure of the zona glomerulosa entered the zona fasciculata and the zona reticularis,and had chromaffin cells in it;the zona glomerulosa cells could be classified into 2 types,i.e.light cells and dark cells,and they formed globoids,follicles,cords and irregular shapes.(3)The zona reticularis was thicker,some of them could be divided into outer zone and inner zone;occasionally the thorn-like structure of the zona reticularis entered the zona fasciculata;and the zona reticularis cells occurred in the subcapsula or in the medulla.(4)Occasionally the finger-shaped structure of the capsula with the cortex entered the medulla.(5)All the cortex cells contained abundant lysosomes,mitochondria and endoplasmic reticula,but the lipid droplets in different zone cells varied in number,size,shape and electron density.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
国家"九五"科技攻关资助项目 (96-A-2 3 -0 6-0 6)
广东省重点科技项目 (1998)