权利的主观形式性决定了依法定程序取得的在后知识产权的合法性 ,其与在先的合法权利构成知识产权权利冲突关系而非侵权关系 ,因此 ,解决知识产权权利冲突不应单一地适用保护在先权原则 ,而应坚持保护在先权利与遵守正当法定程序并用的原则。
The legitimacy of the following intellectual property right,granted from lawful procedure,is determinated by the quality of right's subjective aspect.The following right conflicts with,but not infringes,the previous legal intellectual property right.To solve the conflict problem of intelletual property rights,the principle of protecting previous right shoud come together with the principle of observing due procedure.
Yinshan Academic Journal