国务院 2 0 0 1年 12月 2 0日公布了新的《计算机软件保护条例》 ,与 1991年公布实施的《计算机软件保护条例》相比 ,极大地提高了计算机软件的保护水平。在计算机软件领域 ,《计算机软件保护条例》具有优先于《著作权法》的效力 ,这种“优先”源于《著作权法》第 5 8条的授权。就目前而言 ,打击盗版 ,应重点打击制造、销售盗版软件的人以及作为单位的计算机最终用户 ,对个人最终用户不宜追究法律责任。
The new Rules of Computer Software Protection issued at December 20 2001 raises the standard of computer software protection compared with the rules issued in 1991. Authorized by the 58th clause of Copyright Laws, the Rules of Computer Software claims precedence over Copyright Laws in protecting computer software. The usurped software makers, sellers and the unit users should be punished at present situation, but the individual users should not be investigated under the law.
Yinshan Academic Journal