对政策执行问题的研究是公共政策研究的重要组成部分 ,如同任何领域的科学研究一样 ,对政策执行问题的研究也应当遵循科学的方法论 ,否则就很难得出令人信服的科学结论。本文分别从理论前提假设、基本研究方法和具体分析方法等三个不同层次对研究政策执行问题的方法论进行了探讨。
The research of policy enforcement is an important part of public policy research, which, as the science in any other fields, should follow the scientific methodology, or else a convincing scientific conclusion can hardly be drawn. This paper probes into the research method of policy enforcement from three different levels of the theoretical hypothesis, fundamental research method and the method of concrete analysis.
Journal of Beijing administration institute