
极化激元(polaritons)与拉曼散射 被引量:2

摘要 在给出介质中的光 (电磁 )波与极化波混合作用而得出的极化激元方程、极化激元色散方程之后又讨论了相应的物理意义及相关的物理问题 ;获得极化激元的实验方法 ,接着还介绍和讨论了极化激元的拉曼散射。 The polariton concepts have been presented by using the mixture effect between the electromagnetic wave and polarization wave, and make use of Maxell’s equations, follow from the polariton equations and polariton dispersive equations, the concerning physical problemes are also discussed fully, some experimental motheds of excitation polariton are given too, finally, the examples of Raman scattering of polariton have been introduced minutely, meanwhile compared with other spectroscopies and corresponding optics.
作者 程光煦
出处 《物理学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期82-124,共43页 Progress In Physics
基金 国家"973"资助项目 (0 0 1CB61 0 4 0 4 )
关键词 极化激元 拉曼散射 表面极化激元 激子极化激元 等离激元-极化激元 Polariton Raman Scattering Surface Polariton Exciton Polariton Plasmon Polariton
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