
关于上海新一轮环境保护“三年行动计划”的目标、特点及主要框架 被引量:6

On Target, Characteristics and Major Framework of Shang-hai New Round Environmental Protection"3-year Action Plan
摘要 简要回顾了上海市第1轮环境保护和建设“三年行动计划”目标的完成情况及“计划”实施带来的环境效益。阐述了2003~2005年上海市新一轮环境保护和建设“三年行动计划”的总体目标及主要指标:到2005年,本市总体环境质量要处于全国大城市先进水平,水清岸洁,空气优良,建成国家园林城市,成为国际国内适宜生活居住的城市之一。不断创新、完善体制与机制,逐步建立起与国际惯例接轨的环境管理体系。主要指标是:(1)中心城区河道基本消除黑臭,全市城市污水集中处理率提高到70%以上,处理能力达到480万m3/d。居国内领先。(2)空气环境质量指数二级和优于二级的天数稳定在85%以上,力争达到90%。(3)中心城区全面推行生活垃圾分类收集,郊区基本建成生活垃圾集中收集和处置系统,危险废物实现全过程管理和无害化处置。(4)基本形成以“环、楔、廊、园、林”为特征的绿化布局框架。中心城区绿化覆盖率达到37%,人均公共绿地面积增加至8m2;全市森林覆盖率提高到20%。(5)亩均化肥施用量减少15%以上,亩均农药年施用量减少20%,畜禽污染负荷大幅削减,逐步改善农业生态环境。(6)工业污染综合治理有新的进展。全市工业企业全面达到国家和本市规定的排放标准,吴淞地区环境质量全面达到功能区标准,桃浦地区实现从化工工业区向都市型? Review on the situation of accomplishment andplanning which implementing brought forth environ-mental benefit of Shanghai first round environmentalprotection construction-“3-year Action Plan” werepresented briefly. Description on the overall target andmajor indicators of “3-year Action Plan” up to theyear of 2005, the overall environmental quality, ofShanghai will become the advanced level in the citiesof whole country, such as clear water and clean bank,fresh air, constructed national forest city and becomeone of the Chinese or International cities fit for living.Making innovations and amelioration of system andmechanism increasingly, establishing environmentaladministration system gradually, which may approachto international institution, its major indicators are: ①eliminating black and stink of central urban districtriver channels basically, rate of municipal wastewaterconcentrated treatment will be more than 70%, treat-ment ability up to 4.80million m3/d; ② grade Ⅱ am-bient air quality index and days of better than gradeⅡ be more than 85%, struggling to 90%; ③ promotingurban domestic solid waste classified collection, estab-lishing basically domestic solid waste concentrated col-lection and disposal system in suburban, realizing dan-gerous waste whole process management and non-hazardous disposal; ④ forming basically green layoutframework, green cover rate in central urban districtwill be 37%, public green area 8m2 /head, forestcover rate up to 20%; ⑤ average chemical fertilizerused will be reduced more than 15%, and pesticides to20%, greatly reduce husbandry pollution load, amelio-rate agricultaral eco-environment; and ⑥ new progressof industrial pollution control, industrial enterprisespollutants emssions in the whole city will meet thestipulated standards; environmental quality of Wusonarea as a whole will meet the functional area stan-dard, Taopu area will basically transform from chemi-cal industrial area to metropolis type industrial gardenarea; environmental quality of Wujing should haveremarkebly ameliorated. Analysis on the characteris-tics of new round “plan” proposed the focus categoryimplementing principle, target of action and majormeasures. In the new round “plan” increasing thecontents of agricultural eco-environmental protectionand construction, indicating that high starting, highlevel, and comprehensive are the general principles ofdrawing up planning ,the whole planning should stresson “four news” namely, new starting point, new high-light of mechanism, new measures of administrationand new achievements of control.
作者 洪浩
出处 《上海环境科学》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期153-160,共8页 Shanghai Environmental Sciences
关键词 环境保护 三年行动计划 目标 指标 重点领域 措施 上海 Environmental protection“3-year action plan”TargetIndicatorCharacteristicsFocus categoryMeasuresShanghai
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