基于对历史文化的尊重和城市文脉的理解 ,我们应该顺应国际潮流 ,在实施西部大开发战略中尤其应该注意文物建筑和历史地段的保护 ,将社会、文化、环境资源与经济资源融合、整合 ,打造都市旅游的精品 ,实现区域经济、社会、文化、文明和环境的可持续发展。
Absctract: With respect for the historical culture and understanding of urban main culture, as well as in the light of international trend, we should pay special attention to the protection of cultural relic and historic region during carrying out the west development strategy. The resources of the society, the culture and the environment should be combined and integrated with the economic resource to build up the urban tourism, then the sustainable development of regional economy, society, culture, civilization and environment can be achieved.;
Journal of Jiaxing University