《庄子》提出了一系列的范畴语言,使用了许多特定的单字来传达和界定哲学涵义和范畴. 诸如,“游”、“天”、“忘”等. 这些字在当时具有约定俗成的准确的哲学涵义,又具有极大的外延性. 其中“游”是《庄子》书中出现最频繁而极为重要的一个哲学范畴. 分析“游”的哲学涵义及其所呈现的生动的理论形态,认清“游”的哲学和美学意义.
There is a series of specific philosophic words created by Zhuangzi, such as You ,Tian ,Wang, and so on, which are said to express their certain categories of philosophy. Respective ideas of these words were clearly understood by people at the time. Among them, the frequently used word you in Zhuangzi is considered to be very important. This paper studies the philosophical and aesthetic meanings of the word you.
Journal of Dalian Nationalities University