A new Higher Order Statistics (HOS) and Genetic Algorithm (GA)-based interference rejection filter is introduced. Compared with the adaptive filters based on second-order statistics and gradient algorithm, the HOS and GA-based filter can reject the interference more efficiently, is independent of uncorrelated Gaussian noise, tends to converge to the optimum solution and is much less sensitive to the choice of the step size parameter. Computer simulations show that the method can reject narrowband interference efficiently.
A new Higher Order Statistics (HOS) and Genetic Algorithm (GA)-based interference rejection filter is introduced. Compared with the adaptive filters based on second-order statistics and gradient algorithm, the HOS and GA-based filter can reject the interference more efficiently, is independent of uncorrelated Gaussian noise, tends to converge to the optimum solution and is much less sensitive to the choice of the step size parameter. Computer simulations show that the method can reject narrowband interference efficiently.
Supported by the National Key Lab Foundation No.99JS 63.3.1.JW0301