目的 :探讨早期康复治疗对瘫痪患者肢体功能恢复的影响 ,寻找有效的护理方法。方法 :随机将脑卒中 98例分为 3组 ,早期康复治疗组 (康复组 )3 2例 ,康复 +针灸治疗组 3 4例 ,对照组 3 2例 ,观察其临床疗效。结果 :早期康复组及康复 +针灸组 ,经治疗后在运动障碍改善方面明显优于对照组 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 :对急性脑血管病患者尽早予以康复治疗 ,可明显提高治愈好转率 。
Objective:To explore significance of early convalescene in treatment of paralysis patients Method:98 cases cerebral apoplexy patients were divided into A:early convalescence;B:convalescence+accupuncture;C:no convalescence gro^up Result:B show superior to control group in mobility disturbance improve^ment Conclusion:Convalescence therapy can improve healing ratro reduce mortality for acute cerebral vascular patients
Journal of Qilu Nursing