本文对我国城市水资源的现状进行了分析 ,认为我国城市水资源所面临的主要问题是水体污染和水资源短缺相并存 ,为此提出了我国 2 1世纪城市水资源的主要对策 ,一是要制订相应的法律法规 ,加快建设节水型城市的步伐 ;二是要大力推行城市污水资源化技术 ,不断拓宽城市水资源的补给渠道 ;
The paper analyzed actulities about urban water resoures in China and pinted out that principal problems the water resources faced with are the coexistence of water pollution and water resources shortage.The paper put forward principal countermeasures to deal with the problems concerning China urban water resources in the 21st century. First, to draw up relevant laws and regulations in order to speed up the construction of water saving cities.Second,to energetically spread recycling technologies of urban sewerage and continuously open up supply channels of urban water resources.Third,to establish an effective and reasonable unified management system of urban water resources.
Journal of Jilin Architectural and Civil Engineering