对高温换热设备管口热保护结构建立了热应力计算的物理模型和数学模型 ,并采用有限元法对热应力进行了计算。计算结果表明 ,由于在高温换热设备管口热保护区存在温度畸变 ,使得瓷保护套管内产生较大剪应力 ,从而造成瓷套管的热应力破坏。
On the basis of physical and mathematical model,this pa pe r performs a calculation of the heat stress on the heat protection structure of the pipe extrance of the high heat exchange set using finite element method The n the conclusion is drawn that the existence of the temperature distortion in the heat protection zone of the pipe extrance evokes the formation of shear stress, and meanwhile the damage takes place due to the stress caused by heat in the por celain bushing
Journal of Sichuan University of Science and Technology