研究了硼氢化钾还原 -原子荧光光谱法测定进口涂料中汞 ,在最佳条件下 ,荧光强度与汞浓度在 0—2 0 ng/ m L范围内呈线性关系 ,相关系数为 0 .9998,检出限为 0 .0 4 ng/ m L。用本方法测定溶剂型涂料中的汞 ,回收率为 94 .4 %— 10 1.0 %,相对标准偏差为 3.62 %。方法具有操作简单、快速、准确、灵敏度高等优点 ,可用于进口涂料中汞的测定。
Determination of mercury in coatings by potassium borohydride reduction-atomic fluorescence spectrometry has been studied.Under the optimum conditions,there is a linear relationship between the fluorescence intensity and mercury concentration in the range of 0-20ng/mL with correlation coefficient 0.9998.The detection limit is 0.04ng/mL.The proposed method has been applied to the determination of mercury in solvent coatings with satisfactory results.The recovery is 94.4%- 101.0%,and the relative standard deviation is 3.62%.The method is simple,accurate and rapid with high sensitivity.The method has been applied to the determination of mercury in import coatings.
Chinese Journal of Spectroscopy Laboratory