印穴虻属(Vermitigris)是W.M.Wheeler(1930)在《尘埃中的恶魔》一书中根据幼期虫体建立的,他以印度尼西亚北苏门答腊省(Kondi,N.Sumatra)的几个幼虫和一个蛹描述了一个新属种vermitigris fairchildi Wheeler。后来,F.W.Edwards(1932)研究了大英博物馆收藏的马来亚吉隆坡附近(Batu Caves,near Kuala Lumpur)以及雪兰俄州(Selangor)武吉库突(Bukit Kutu)的Lampromyia orientalis Brunetti,1927。
Since the first species of worm-leon Vermiophis ganquanensis Yang , 1979 was described from China, a long series of materials collected at different localities have been discovered from our country, among them seven or eight species of the genus Vermiophis Yang at least. And a new species of the oriental genus Vermitigris Wheeler has been collected from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, it is not only the new record genus for China, but also make the generic distribution from outside of 8°extending to 24°4' north latitude.Vermitigris sinensis Yang, sp. nov.Female (fig. 1): Lengeth of body 16.5-18mm. of wings 12.5-15mm. A distinctly large species, somewhat allied to the V.orientalis (Brunetti) with pale abdominal bands on the 2-4 segments, but the pleura of the thorax entirely black (in orientate only the mesopleuron is black, the rest extensively yellowish), and the venation with the radial fork is more vertical, and the vein R5much shorter, only half length of the R4. The antenna as the firure of orientalis after Edward, but the basal segment much thick and dark at the tip.It distingushed from V. infasciatus Oldroyd, 1947 not only by the large size (the latter's body length 11 mm, wing 9 mm only), but also by the maculations of abdoment (the latter species without light and dark rings, and with lateral patches from 2-5 segments) . As to the type species V.fairchildi Wheeler, 1930, it can only be compared with by the early stages, as the adult is still unknown at present.Larva (fig. 4) full-grown, outstretched larva measures reaching 26 mm. longer than the fairchttdi ( meacures 23-24 mm), the pseudopod on the ventral side of the first abdominal segment with a longitudinal row of strong spines always 5 in number ( rarely 4, the smallest 3-4 only), which of thefairchildi is 6 ( smallest 4-5), and of the orientalis is 3 in number. The comb on the basal margin of the eighth abdominal segment with 12 long and strong spines and a second series of shorter ones as the two known species. The spines of the sixth and seventh abdominal segments both on the dorsal and ventral side are rather allied to the orientalis than to thefairchildi, and the head-capsule also seems to be like the orientalis and much longer (about triple as long as broad).Pupa ( fig. 2-3 ) about 15 mm long, with larval skin firmly envelops the two posterior segments as in the other worm- leon forms. The integument of pupa has adhering sandgrains (no adherence of sandgrains to the surface infairchildi ), and the first seven abdominal segments each have the spiracle set on a small tubercle, and beyond this on the lateral margin of the segment is a short spine-like process (infairchildi with only the second and third pairs of abdominal spiracles set on distinct tunercles), make the Chinese species allied to orientalis . But the pair of long spine-like processes at the tip of the abdomen is close up at the base (not separated as the other two species), and the spines are very wrenched. The form of the widely-separated andennal sheaths seems to be the more chief general character for the pupae of this genus only.Holoype(?), Tianlin Co., BosePr., Guangxi Zhuang Aut. Reg.. 1983-Ⅵ-8, emerged at Beijing; and paratypes 6(?) as the holotype bred from larvae collected in 1982 -V-28 at Langping by the author. All of the type specimens deposited in the Insect Collections of the Beijing Agricultural University.