笔者在整理木蠹蛾科标本时,发现木蠹蛾亚科Cossinae一新属新种,兹记述如下: 叉钩木蠹蛾属Bifiduncus, gen.nov. 触角双栉状,直到端节均具栉齿,无单眼;下唇须较短,后足胫节2对距。 前翅副室很小;小中间室更小,仅为Cula—Culb的1/2;后翅Sc游离,小中间室发达,为Cula—Culb的2倍以上,Culb从中室3/4处分出。 钩形突末端分文,凹入很深。颚泡极大,抱器基部宽、末端尖;基刺突极为发达,末端伸达抱器3/4处,长于抱器长度的1/2。阳茎无角状突。
Bifidoncos gen. nov.Type species: Bifiduncus longispinalis, sp. nov.Antennae bipectinate to tip. No ocelli. Hind legs with 2 pairs of tibial spurs.Forewing with a very small areole. The median cell equals to the half length of Cula-Culb. Hindwing with Sc free; The median cell is developed and more than 2 tunes the length of Cula-Culb.Male genitalia: Uncus bifid in the distal end and the concave is very deep. Bulla very large. Clasper broad in base and sharp at tip.Spina basalis is very developed, projecting to the three fourth of clasper.Aedeagus without cornuti.The new genus is similar to the genera Pseudocossus of Madagasca and Chilecomadia of Chile with the branching uncus. But Pseudouncus with ocelli, and Chilecomadia with serrate antenna.In addition, the two latter genera with uncus only slightly concaved.Bifiduncus longispinalis, sp.nov. (Fig.1)This new species can be differentiated from the all known Chinese species of cossids by the following characters: ( 1) The median cell in forewing equal to half length of Cula-Culb; the median cell in hind wing is two times the length of Cula-Culb. (2) The basitarsus of hind leg not swollen. (3) Uncus branches at the distal end; Clasper narrows sharply in the outer half; Spina basalis longer than the half length of clasper; Aedeagus smooth and without coruti.The new species resembles Cossus acronyctoides (Moore) in appearance. But it can be differentiated from the latter by bipectinated antanna (cf. unipectinated), branching uncus, very long spina basalis, and aedeagus without cornuti (the latter with two coruti invesica)Holotype (?) , Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province, September 15, 1980, coll. Zhao Yongxiang.Deposited in the Entomological Museum of the Northwestern Agricultural University, Shaanxi, China.