本文记述水蜡蛾属一新种,新种模式标本保存于吉林农业大学昆虫标本室。 吉林水蜡蛾Brahmaea jilinensis Zhang,新种(图1—5) 雄虫体长35mm,前翅长58mm。触角黄褐色,双栉状。体背、腹黑色,头顶在触角间有黄褐色纹,前胸的前缘、肩片具黄褐色边。腹部两侧有黄褐色波形纵纹,纹内有黑边椭圆形斑。前翅外缘为灰褐色边,内侧有一列半圆形斑带,顶角者具黑斑,翅中部由10个不整齐的脉间长黑斑组成中横带,黑斑中间为黄褐和黑褐色。
In this paper a new species of Brahmaea is described.The type specimen is deposited in the Entomological Museum of Jilin Agricultural University.Brahmaeajilinensis Zhang, sp.nov.(figs. 1 -5)This species is simillar to Brahmaea undulata Bremer et Grey, but differs in: 1.space between ripples broad; 2. number of ripples reduced; 3. both outside and inside of the median band in fore wing with five ripples; 4.outside of median line of hind wing with seven ripples; 5.six oblong spots of median band long in fore wing; 6.body wide and short.Holotype(?), Huinan, Jilin, 15.Ⅶ.1985, collected by Sun Lirong.