
零叶蝉属四新种(同翅目:叶蝉科、小叶蝉亚科) 被引量:3

Four New Species of the Genus Limassolla Dlabola (Homoptera, Cicadellidae, Typhlocybinae)
摘要 作者(1985)曾研究报道过我国的零叶蝉,并将零叶蝉属种类分为四个物种群。此处报道四新种,二中国新记录种。标本保存在西北农业大学昆虫博物馆。 带零叶蝉Limassolla fasciata,新种(图1) 体背面由头冠端部至前翅末端沿中线呈一橙黄色纵带,但有些个体在前翅间断。复眼暗褐色。其余部分均呈浅黄色。 The authors (1985) had studied Limassolla Dlabola and devided the genus into four species groups based on male genitalia.In the present paper four species new to science and two species new to China are reported.All the specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection of the Entomological Museum, Northwestern Agricultural University.Letters are uniformly used in the figuers as in figure one.Limassolla fasciata, sp.n.(Fig. 1)The new species belongs to aureata-group and resembles L.galewskii, L.knighti and L. zelta, but its colour pattern of dorsum and forewings is clearly different from the above mentioned species.lt can also be distinguished from the other species by the male genital characters, especially by pennis.Holotype(?), allotype(?), Suxianling, Chengzhou, Hunan province, 1985-Ⅷ -18, paratype4(?), 16(?), same as holotype; 6(?), 2(?), 1985-Ⅷ-16-18, 1 (?), 1(?), 1986-V-4-5, Chengzhou, Hunan province, Coll. Zhang Yalin, Chai Yonghui. Limassolla rubrolimbata, sp.n.(Fig.2)This species belongs to multipunctata- group. Its colour pattern of dorsum and forewings resembles L.emmrichi, L.multipunctata but the male genitalia are different, the new species with tubular pennis and the two species mentioned above with flat pennis. The male genitalia of the new species is also similar to L. ishiharai, but their pennis (dorso-ventral view) and pygofer appendages are different and the subgenital plate of the new species without macroseta, the both species can also be distinguished from each other by their dorsal colour patterns.Holotype(?), allotype(?), paratype 4(?), Chengzhou, 2(?), Mt.Maingshan, Chengzhou, Hunan province, 1985-Ⅶ-30-31, Coll.Zhang Yalin, Chai Yonghui; 1 (?), Huoditang, Ningshan county, Shaanxi province, 1984-Ⅷ-14, Coll.Zhang Yalin.Limassolla yunnanana, sp.n.(Fig.3)The new species belongs to dispwctata-group.It resembles L.ishiharai externality, but can be easily distinguished by male genlitalia.The male genitalia of the new species is similar to L. kakai but the pygofer and the apical appendages of pennis are different from the latter, furthermore, the both species can be separated by the color patterns of dorsum and forewings.Holotype(?), Yunnan province.Limassolla discoloris, sp.n.(Fig.4)The new species belongs to dispunctato- group. It looks like L.ishiarai but the male genitalia is different.The male genitalia is similar to L.yunnanana sp.n., but there are some obvious differences in pygofer, subgenital plate and pennis, moreover, there are also clear differences in colour patterns of dorsum and forewings between the both species.HolotypeS , Xunyang county, 1981- V -14, allotype(?), Zhenan country, Shaanxi province, 198I-V-13, paratype 9(?), same as holotype, Coll. Ma Ning.Limassolla dostali Dworakowska & Lauterer, n.record.L.doslali Dworakowska A Lauterer 1975: 38Spevimens studied are from Hunan and Sichuan provinces. Limassolla ishiharai Dworakowska, n.record.Lishiharai Dworakowska 1972: 865Specimens studied are from Hunan, Shaanxi and Guangxi provinces.
作者 张雅林 周尧
出处 《Entomotaxonomia》 1988年第Z2期248-254,共7页 昆虫分类学报(英文)
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