用MDV gB重组痘苗病毒RVV gB,HVT冻干苗、痘苗病毒WR株分别按试验程序,对细胞免疫及体液免疫检测试验中的1日龄SPF鸡进行免疫接种,并于15日龄对各组小鸡攻GA株强毒,后经过IFA检测抗体,以及以PHA为有丝分裂原检测淋巴C转化.结果表明,重组病毒和HVT冻干苗均获得较高保护,体液免疫差异不显著;细胞免疫在攻毒前差异不显著,但攻毒后第2d开始,RVV gB组淋巴细胞转化率明显高于HVT冻干苗.
Onedayold SPF chickens used in the detection of cellular and humoral immunity were inoculated with RVVgB,HVT freezedryingvaccine and vaccina virus respectively according to the procedure of experiment,and were challenged with GA virulent strain on 15th day Using IFA to detect antibody and PHA as mitogen to examine its lymphocyte transformation The results indicate that strong protection were acquired of both RVV and HVT freezedryingvaccine, the difference of humoral immunity is insignificant; the difference of cellular immunity is not significant either before challenge But two days challenge after,the lymphocyte of cransformation rate of RVVgB is obviously higher than that of HVT freezeddried groups
Journal of Henan Agricultural University