目的 :探讨选择何种方法修补穿孔的鼓膜以进一步提高手术疗效。方法 :自 1990年 1月~ 2 0 0 0年 12月 ,采用夹层法鼓膜成形术对 318例 (4 0 7耳 )慢性单纯型化脓性中耳炎患者行鼓膜成形术 ,随访 0 .5a~ 10a ,尤其强调术后3个月必须定期到医院复查。结果 :鼓膜穿孔愈合 395耳 ,再穿孔 12耳 ,愈合率为 97% ,修补鼓膜的外形具有良好的锥形和前下锐角结构 ,观察发现干耳与否对手术疗效的影响不大 ,而手术 3个月内的定期复查对预防感染、提高穿孔愈合率至关重要。术后纯音听阈降低 10dB~ 2 0dB者 14 7耳 ,听阈降低 2 0dB~ 30dB者 2 0 5耳 ,听阈降低 30dB以上者 37耳 ,降低不足 10dB者 18耳。结论
Objective:To investigate the effect of myringoplasty with sandwiching on chronic suppurative otitis media.Methods:318 patients(407 ears) with chronic suppurative otitis media were treated by interlay method from 1999 to 2000.Results:All ears had no perfortion when they were out of hospital.395 ears had heal and 12 ears were perforation follow up six months.The rate of closure of perforation of tympani was 97%.The measurement of hearing was made by using the pure tone audiometer.The frequency of testing was from 250Hz to 2kHz.The hearing recovery of 389 ears were from 10 dB to 30 dB.Function of Eustachian tube kept good condition,and the pyramidalis was found on the tympani.Conclusion:The sandwiching method of myringoplasty is an ideal method for healing perforation of tympani.
Proceeding of Clinical Medicine
interlayer method
otitis media