分析研究了当前国际海事组织 (IMO)有关化学品船的国际公约和规则发展动态 ,主要介绍正在讨论修订的MARPOL 73/78附则Ⅱ中的对有毒液体物质分类系统及其准则 ,以及《国际散装运输危险化学品船构造和设备规则》(IBCCode)中对化学品船的船型划分准则等较大修正案。
This paper presents the development of international convention and code for ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk,including the criteria for 3 category and 5 category pollution categorization systems on the revision of Annex II to MARPOL 73/78,and the criteria for assigning ship type based on the revised GESAMP hazard profile and evaluation of safety and pollution hazards of chemicals and carriage requirements for products to the IBC Code.
Shanghai Shipbuilding