根据多种毛油特点 ,在设计中选取先进适用的精炼工艺 ,合理配置脱色塔和脱色过滤面积 ,选用填料式脱臭塔 ,选定合理的每个设备处理量和优良材质和管件 ,关键设备进口 ,全电脑自动控制 ,热量的循环使用 ,提高精炼率 ,降低水耗和蒸汽消耗。在设计选型中考虑到降低故障率、环保问题 ,投资成本与操作费用关系 ,增强市场竞争力 ,这样工艺组合投资是全进口设备投资的 4 0 %—5 0 %。
According to the property of many kinds of crud e oil, the advanced refining processing is adopted in design, correct bleaching eq uipment and filter capacity and filling packed column deodorizer should be used, other equipment capacity and excellent construction material should be correctl y selected. All key equipment must be imported, full computer control system ha s been used. The heat energy should be reused in circulation. The refining yie ld should be improved, their economic and technical specification has approache d an advanced international level. In the design, how to reduce accident in the op eration, protect environment, the relation of the investigation and operation co st, but their investment is only 40%~50% that of imported same equipment.
China Oils and Fats