

The Mural Tombs of the Song Dynasty at Erchangqu Village in Jungar Banner, Inner Mongolia
摘要 准格尔旗二长渠村被盗壁画墓发现于2014年4月,2016年鄂尔多斯博物馆联合相关单位对其进行了抢救性清理。4座墓葬间距较小,由北向南大致呈3排分布,均遭到不同程度的盗掘破坏,M2已塌毁,未清理。清理的3座墓葬仅M1保存较好,但墓顶有直径约0.5米的盗洞,M3和M4墓顶全部塌陷。墓葬为砖筑圆形单室墓,有短墓道、甬道、尸床、须弥座等结构。墓道较短,作斜坡式。墓壁绘彩色壁画,墓底有的铺长方形砖,有的为生土地面。甬道位于墓室南侧,一般较短,拱券式。墓门亦为拱券式。墓室内除经精心设计的砖雕外,还于砖雕表面涂彩并在墓壁绘有精美的壁画。各墓室内皆有砖雕,题材主要有格子门、格子花窗、直棂窗、斗拱等。壁画剥落十分严重,仅M1壁画保存相对较好,其余两墓壁画内容不详。墓葬出土随葬品极少,仅在M3填土中发现陶罐口沿1件,在各墓葬填土中采集7件彩绘砖雕建筑部件,有直棂窗、门扇、散斗、椽檐等,均用长方形青砖雕筑而成。根据墓室形制、结构及壁画内容等情况,并结合南侧城址出土遗物推断,这几座墓葬的年代应基本一致,应为同一时期的家族墓地,年代为北宋时期,下限不超过西夏晚期。壁画虽脱落严重,但其独特、精细的设计和构图布局在内蒙古地区尚属首见,特别是利用斗拱结构绘制虎形兽面图案等,都为研究鄂尔多斯东部地区乃至内蒙古中南部地区的宋代历史文化增添了新的材料。 The looted mural tombs at Erchangqu Village in Jungar Banner were found in April2014;in 2016,Ordos Museum and other institutions conducted cooperative rescue excavation to them.The four tombs were arranged in close distances,roughly in three rows from north to south.All of these tombs were looted and damaged in different degrees;the M2 of them had collapsed too early to recover,and among the three recovered tombs,only the M1 was in better condition,but it also had a looting tunnel about 0.5 m in diameter through the roof,and the roofs of both M3 and M4 completely collapsed.These tombs were all brick single-chamber ones in circular plan consisting of the short ramp passage,corridor,corpse bed with waisted moldings,etc.The walls of the tomb chambers were decorated with murals,and the?oors were paved with rectangular bricks or just leveled primary soil ground.The corridor linking the passage and chamber was on the south side of the tomb chamber,usually short and had vaulted roof.The entrance of the tomb had arched top.In addition to the murals,the walls of the tombs were also decorated with elaborately designed colorpainted brick carvings,the motifs of which were lattice doors and windows,mullioned windows,dougong-bracket sets,etc.The murals were severely damaged,only that of M1 were better preserved,and the contents of that of the other two could no longer be identified.Very few grave goods were found in these tombs,only the fragment of a pottery jar rim was found in the?ll of M3,plus seven color-painted brick carvings simulating wooden architectural parts,which were mullion,door leaf,bracket set blocks,eave fragment with rafters,etc.,all made of rectangular gray bricks.The tomb chamber forms,structures and the mural contents with the reference of the artifacts unearthed at the city site to their south all showed that the dates of these tombs were similar,which were the Northern Song Dynasty,and could not be later than the late Western Xia Kingdom period.The murals were severely damaged,but their unique and exquisite designs and compositions were the first discovery in Inner Mongolia,especially the tiger-shaped animal mask design utilizing the structure of the bracket sets,all of which provided new materials for the history and culture of the Song Dynasty in eastern Ordos even the entire southern part of the middle Inner Mongolia.
作者 鄂尔多斯博物馆 鄂尔多斯市文物考古研究院 准格尔旗文物馆 高兴超 李双 王永胜 Ordos Museum;Ordos Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology;Jungar Banner Museum
机构地区 不详
出处 《考古学集刊》 2018年第1期73-83,300-304,共12页 Archaeological Collectanea
关键词 内蒙古 鄂尔多斯市 壁画墓 砖雕 宋代 Ordos City Inner Mongolia Mural Tombs Brick Carvings Song Dynasty
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