近年来 ,磷脂类信号分子如磷脂酸、溶血磷脂酸、神经酰胺、神经鞘氨醇及 1-磷酸 -鞘氨醇等与其特异性的膜受体结合在调节细胞生长、分化及凋亡中的作用引起了人们的极大关注。根据靶细胞种类、磷脂分子剂量以及相关受体信号的不同其产生的生物效应各不相同。磷脂类信号分子与内皮分化基因 (Edg)家族G蛋白耦联受体、MAPK/ERK、PI3K/Akt、JNK/SAPK等信号系统相互作用 ,从而影响细胞凋亡。磷脂酰丝氨酸暴露于细胞表面是细胞凋亡过程中的重要事件 ,氨基磷脂易位酶及磷脂scramblase酶与此事件密切相关。暴露于细胞表面的磷脂酰丝氨酸在靶细胞的识别及凋亡细胞的清除中发挥重要的信号作用。
The specificity of cellular effects of lysolipid phosphate (LLP) growth factors is determined by binding to endothelial differentiation gene encoded G protein coupled receptors (Edg Rs), which transduce diverse proliferation and effector signals. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), sphingosine 1 phosphate (SPP) and other structurally related lysolipid phosphates have major effects on diverse cellular functions, including initiation and regulation of proliferation, improvement of survival, regulation of apoptosis, promotion of differentiation and stimulation of cytoskeletal filament based functions of cells. Sphingolipids and their metabolites, ceramide, sphingosine and SPP are involved in a variety of cellular processes including differentiation, cellular senescence, apoptosis and proliferation. All animal cells, regardless of origin or lineage, expose PS on their surface as part of the program of apoptotic cell death. This review summarized the current research results on LLP signaling and its role as antiapoptotic or proapoptotic factors.
Basic and Clinical Medicine